Peach Bliss Rose Bouquet
Peach Bliss Rose Bouquet
Enchant your loved ones with a delicate bouquet of soft peach roses, beautifully wrapped in matching neutral-toned paper. The gentle hue of these premium roses conveys warmth and sophistication, making this arrangement a perfect choice for both intimate celebrations and grand occasions.
- Soft Peach Roses: Hand-selected blooms noted for their tender color and lasting freshness.
- Coordinating Wrap: A minimalist, neutral-toned paper that enhances the roses' natural beauty.
- Ideal for Any Occasion: Whether it's an anniversary, birthday, or a simple gesture of gratitude, these roses leave a lasting impression.
- Versatile Display: Easily fits into both modern and traditional decor, suitable for vases or as a handheld bouquet.
- Easy Care Instructions: Keep the stems trimmed and place in fresh water to prolong the arrangement’s charm.
Elevate the moment with this Peach Bliss Rose Bouquet—an elegant statement of affection and appreciation for someone special.
Peach Bliss Rose Bouquet
Sale price15.000 KD